Tell Us What Equal Pay Means to You!

Please Join Us! Help Us Spread the Word!

How can you participate?
What does equal pay mean to you? Click here and tell us.

9to5 members across the country will be uniting on April 9, 2013, to speak out about the need for equal pay for all. We will be doing outreach by getting friends, family, co-workers, and members of our communities to finish the sentence “Equal pay =…” After we have brainstormed with folks about how they would finish that sentence, we will have them write down these quotes on a sheet of paper and on a sign, and take a picture of them holding their quotes. We will share these quotes and photos through Facebook, Twitter, our website, and future publications. You can check out a sample on our website: On Equal Pay Day, we’ll have revolving photos on Facebook. Through sharing these photos and quotes we will be able to reach thousands of people with the message that equal pay is important. You and your members can participate by collecting quotes and photos, and sharing them with 9to5 and other coalition partners.

What do you need to do?
What we will provide: Click here for your Equal Pay Sign and EPD Picture-Quote
Quote cards for folks to fill out with their quote and contact information
A sign folks can fill out and hold for their photos (This sign has 9to5’s logo on it. Feel free to make your own; the more the merrier!)

What you will need: Markers to fill out the sign, a camera, either on your phone or a digital camera, and access to a computer where you can upload the photos.
Set a date (ideally April 9th, or before if there is a time conflict) time and place to gather your quotes and photos.

How do you turn in your photos and quotes?
Email the quote cards to 9to5 Online Organizer Valerie Thelen at or mail them to 9to5’s Atlanta office, 501 Pulliam Street SW #344, Atlanta, GA 30312. We’ll use the quotes on Equal Pay Day and beyond.

If you are using a camera phone you can email photos from your phone to along with the names and location of the folks in the photos.

If you are using a digital camera, find a computer to upload the photos and email them to along with the names and location of the folks in the email.

Once you have turned in the pictures to Valerie, get on your own social media account of choice and share your photos there. These are powerful messages and the more folks who see the greater the impact we have!

If you have any question, or need assistance to participate, please contact Valerie at or 404-907-3941.

Thank you! Hope you and your members will participate in 9to5’s Equal Pay = project for Equal Pay Day 2012.

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