2015 Legislative Agenda

What’s 9to5 California up to? Check out our legislative agenda for a full list of the bills we support at the local, statewide, and federal level to support working women!

Do you want to see equal pay for women, fair scheduling practices, CalWORKs policies that support families, and end to wage theft in California? These are just a few of the crucial issues we’re working on. Become a 9to5 member today and find out how you can join the movement for justice for working women.

  1. Local Legislation

9to5 Los Angeles Chapter:

  • Wage Theft Ordinances –  in Los Angeles and soon to be in Long Beach
  • Raise the Wage Ordinance – for City of Los Angeles

9to5 San Jose Chapter:

  • City of San Jose Wage Theft Ordinance
  • County of Santa Clara Wage Theft Ordinance – Permits restaurant permit revocation for non-payment of wages


  1. State Legislation:
  • Student Success Act (AB 891)  – Assemblywoman Nora Campos – 9to5 California is a lead sponsor of this bill, which would ensure that all California minors who live in poverty have free access to attend school
  • Paid Sick Leave (AB 11) – Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez
  • State Minimum Wage Increase (SB 3) – Sen. Mark Leno
  • End Maximum Family Grant Rule under CalWORKS (SB 23) – Sen. Holly Mitchell
  • California Fair Pay Act (SB358) – Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson – Strengthens CA equal pay laws, addresses wage gap. ERA and CA Women’s Caucus  sponsorship
  • Predictable Scheduling (AB 357) – Assemblymembers David Chiu & Shirley Weber


  1. Federal Legislation:
  • Schedules that Work Act for predictable and fair scheduling practices –  Reps. Rosa DeLauro,  Rep. George Miller, Sen. Elizabeth Warren
  • Healthy Families Act for paid sick days (HR 932, S497) – Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Rosa DeLauro
  • The FAMILY Act for a paid family and medical leave insurance program – Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Sen. Kristin Gillibrand.


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