9to5 California Voter Guide

This year we face extraordinary challenges both in getting out a huge vote as well as in making sure all ballots are received and counted.  

Your vote counts. Here are three tools the Board of 9to5 California has compiled to assist you in voting this year. Please note that these deadlines and links apply to California residents only; if you live in another state you can find more information here

Your Voting Checklist

  1. Confirm your voter registration  ASAP
  2. Make a plan to vote.  Make a back-up plan too!
  3. Register everyone you can, starting with your family.
  4. Please consider sharing this voter guide with others in your community.

Timeline to Protect the Vote in California

Sept 24: Voters will start receiving SAMPLE BALLOTS in the mail

Oct 5:  Voters will start receiving BALLOTS in the mail

Oct 18: Our recommendation is, by this date, PLEASE BE SURE TO MAIL YOUR BALLOT or DROP IT OFF AT A BALLOT BOX in your county. Don’t wait.  

Oct 19: Last day to register to vote online

Oct 19: Last day to mail registration 

Oct 31: Last day to complete the CENSUS


  1. Expect delays if you do vote at your polling place.
  2. California has “Same Day Voter Registration” – available at your polling place, where you can register and vote! 
  3. This is last day to mail in your ballot or drop it off at a ballot box in your county.  Look for the list of ballot deposit boxes coming in the mail with your ballot or find a voting center or drop box here.

9to5 California Ballot Proposal Guide for the November 3, 2020 Election

Here are 9to5 California’s positions on the proposals you will find on your ballot this year.  Bolded entries are of high priority to 9to5 California.

Prop #15: Yes

Our schools are 43rd in the nation for expenditures per pupil, in large part because corporations here  have not been required to pay their fair share of property taxes which fund schools.   This bill closes a tax loophole that will bring in up to $12 billion annually as revenue for our schools and communities.  It does not raise taxes on homeowners, renters, or small businesses.


Prop #16: Yes

Reinstates affirmative action in public employment, education, and contracting.  Prop 209 disallowed this in 1996.


Prop #17: Yes

Expands voting rights to include people on parole from a felony conviction.  People on parole or probation from a misdemeanor already have voting rights in CA and can register to vote now.


Prop #18: Yes

Expands voting rights to include eligible 17-year-olds who will be 18 by time of next general election in November.  Includes rights to vote in primaries held before that Nov. election.


Prop #19: No position


Prop #20: No

Largely funded by police unions, this would reverse the changes made by Prop 47 which changed non-violent felony crimes to misdemeanors and allowed 400,000 Californian prisoners to have their non-violent, often drug-related “crimes” like possession reclassified to misdemeanors. We can’t go backwards on our fight for criminal justice! 


Prop #21: Yes

A rent control measure that would expand the power of local governments to use rent control on buildings over 15 years old.  This would override current law which sets a state-wide limit on rent control on buildings built after 1996 .


Prop #22: No

Largely funded by Uber and Lyft in an effort to reverse gains made in justice for gig economy exploited drivers.    A “NO” vote keeps AB 5, which we worked hard to pass so that so many now being forced to work as independent contractors will have the benefits due them as the employees they truly are.  


Prop #23: Yes

Requires dialysis clinics to have a doctor on site.  Our sister union SEIU and our CA Federation of Labor ask our support.  Makes sense!


Prop #24: No Position


Prop #25: Yes

Largely funded by the bail insurance industry, this upholds legislation that has already passed as Senate Bill 10, and that would end cash bail as it now exists.


Measure J: Yes

This proposal by LA County Supervisors will change the Charter to require 10% of unrestricted general funds in the county budget be for community investment and alternatives to incarceration!

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