9to5 Day at the Capitol

Latonya Jordan, a brand new 9to5 Atlanta member, joined 20 other members and supporters for our Grassroots Lobby Day on January 28th.  She is on the top row, second from the right in this photo.

During our Lobby Day, members received training on skills for meeting with legislators, then went to the Capitol to meet with their state House members, speaking in support of the Family Care Act and Ban the Box legislation.

The 9to5 Lobby Day was my first lobbying experience. I was a little out of my comfort zone, but I think that with more practice I could be good at it! To me it was about standing behind whatever it is you are trying to change. Getting people to believe in what you are trying to change will help not only you, and them, but also people they might know who are going through something similar.

This first time I didn’t speak with legislators, but I observed the process and believed in the bill – Ban the Box – that 9to5 is trying to get approved. The 9to5 group really made me feel comfortable. They stood with me to make sure i understood the whole process. The experience is one I have never had in my life.  People we think that we can’t speak out about our concerns, but this showed me how to go about getting heard the right way. I am ready for that experience again. Seeing is believing! I have seen.  Now it’s time for me to believe in me and what I can stand for, and tell legislators why we need their help to bring change. I am ready for the challenge!
LaTonya Jordan

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