9to5 Members Fight to Raise the Wage on MLK Day

Pictured: A woman pledges to take action to raise the minimum wage after talking with Action Network leader Yolanda Bucio at a library in Houston, TX.

On January 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 9to5 members took to the streets to continue Dr. King’s struggle for economic justice by fighting to raise the minimum wage.

We held events 8 events across the country from California to New York and from Texas to Wisconsin.

At these events, Action Network leaders and chapter members –

  • handed out pledge cards and factsheets at parades, rallies and local gatherings
  • wrote letters to the editor of their local newspapers
  • called their members of Congress to support the Fair Minimum Wage Act

On MLK Day –

  • 9to5 members sent 100 messages to Member of Congress from 14 different states
  • Almost 1,000 people spread the word on Facebook and Twitter

The message was loud and clear – people who work hard should earn enough to support their families. It’s time to raise the minimum wage.  It’s not too late to add your voice to the groundswell of support for the Fair Minimum Wage Act! Learn more here.

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