Affordable housing, transit improvement… What’s on my ballot in California?

The November 6 elections are just around the corner — Click here for a sneak-peek of what will be on your California ballot! In addition to candidates, there are a number of California ballot initiatives that will impact women and families. Here’s where 9to5 stands:

Yes on Prop 1 – Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond

Provides $4 billion in state funding to build and preserve affordable homes, including housing for veterans, low-income families and people with disabilities. Learn more here.

Yes on Prop 2 – Housing Support for Individuals With Mental Illness at Risk of Homelessness

Allows the use of unspent funds, previously allocated for mental health care, to be used to provide supportive housing connected to mental health services for those in need.  Learn more here.

No on Prop 6 – Gas Tax Repeal

By eliminating the funding of thousands of transportation improvement projects that are already underway, this ballot initiative would makes bridges & roads less safe and lead to job loss for thousands. Learn more here.

Yes on Prop 10 – Affordable Housing Act

Affordable Housing Act. By repealing a harmful law from the 90s (the Costa Hawkins Act), this ballot proposal would restore local communities’ ability to make their own decisions about rent control. Along with our partners, 9to5 has been working hard to spread the word to VOTE YES ON 10! Learn more here.

Help spread the word about these important issues by sharing on Facebook! Plus, join our efforts to share this information with your community — RSVP to to join our statewide membership meeting, to be held by conference call, on October 21 at 5pm Pacific.

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