Statement from 9to5 Wisconsin regarding proposed lame-duck legislation

Earlier this week, Wisconsin Legislators voted to pass a series of bills aimed at taking power away from the incoming Governor and his administration. These measures range from restricting early voting to diminishing the powers of the Attorney General, but they all serve the same purpose: to give legislators an unprecedented amount of power and to prevent Governor-elect Tony Evers from living up to the promises that he was elected on.

We believe this entire process has been undemocratic, lacking in transparency, and most importantly has gone directly against the will of the people, who already decided what they wanted on November 6th.

We are disappointed in the legislators who have decided to ignore the will of the people in favor of their own power-hungry agenda, but this fight is not over yet. We urge our members to reach out to Governor Walker and ask him to respect the will of the people by vetoing this legislation. Call Governor Walker’s office today at 608-266-1212.

9to5 remains committed to bringing together the people of Wisconsin and our elected leaders for real changes we need to achieve justice and equality for working women – and for our broader communities. We lock arms in strength and unity, pushing for what is right, not what is easy, and we hope that Governor Walker will do what is right, too.

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