Immigrants build America: uniting us with the promise of opportunity and equality

In response to the Aug 7th massive raid at a Koch Food plant, in Mississippi, by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), 9to5 Executive Director, Leng Leng Chancey, issued the following statement:

“Yesterday’s raid at a food plant in Morton, Mississippi is yet another outrageous attack on immigrant families. With 680 workers taken into custody, we know that the impact on the communities and families is devastating. It breaks my heart when I think of all the children waiting for their parents; families once against separated by America’s broken immigration system.

“The immigrants were pulled away from their jobs; they processed chickens for one of the largest poultry producers; they helped feed this nation. Those immigrant workers also are vital to the economy. Detaining and potentially deporting immigrant workers hurts those detained and their families and also hurts the communities where they live and the entire country.

“Immigrants have long played an essential role in building America, uniting our country with the promise of opportunity and equality. We all share the America dream of working hard and in exchange being treated fairly and with dignity. Too many — including the Trump administration — seek to tarnish that dream and to deny immigrants, people of color and women the equality and justice our Constitution promises.
“We will not be deterred; our dreams and hopes will not be dimmed. We demand that America live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all.”

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