9to5 Leads in Paid Leave for All Movement

9to5 is proud to serve on the steering committee of Paid Leave for All, a new national collaborative that will develop a coordinated strategy to win a national, inclusive paid family and medical leave policy with bipartisan support.

Member groups, including 9to5, have been driving state wins and research for years, paving the way for a national win. The collaborative includes a Worker Advisory Group (including 9to5 leaders) to help ensure the policy will be effective for all; Small Business for Paid Leave, which will elevate the voices of small business owners who know an inclusive federal plan will allow them to ensure paid leave for their employees and compete with large corporations; and an Advisory Council of leading political and policy experts.

The need for care will impact everyone in this country, whether you’re welcoming a child or caring for your parents or facing illness or injury yourself. That’s why we need an inclusive and comprehensive paid leave policy that covers all working people—no matter where you work or live, or whom you love.

We’re glad that this issue is starting to get the attention it deserves on both sides of the aisle, but details matter. Plans that do not provide time for care or take away from other benefits are simply not paid leave programs, and won’t meet the needs of families or a 21st century economy.

Check out the op-eds by 9to5 Worker Advisory members Kris Garcia (CO) and Ashley Bostick (GA).

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