Vote Ready 2021

The next election is just around the corner with state and local positions are on the ballot this year. Last year, despite a raging pandemic, we turned out in record numbers to vote for the values we believe in. We cannot back down now with so many local, state, and national issues at stake.

Elections, especially local ones, are less flashy than presidential or other federal elections that gain so much attention and excitement. All elections are incredibly important to shaping the future we want for our families, our communities, and ourselves. Local politicians like mayors, city councils, school boards, and judges make decisions that impact our lives. 

Below are tips to help you get vote ready.  

double check your polling place

Double Check Your Polling Place

Polling places can change or move for many reasons. Before you head out to the polls, double-check where your polling place is located. Click here to find your polling location. You can also use this link to find your early voting location or learn more about where to drop off your ballot if you’re voting by mail.

Check ID requirements

Check ID Requirements

Some states require ID to vote even if you’re voting by mail. Check your state’s laws here before you head out to the polls. 

Know before you go

Know Before You Go

You can check what will be on your ballot and who is running before you go here. This site even tells you what the position does, and links you to candidate information.

same day registration

Same-day Registration

If you didn’t register to vote, 20 states and Washington DC have same-day voter registration, which means you can register to vote on election day. Check this list to see if your state is on the list and where you register.  

wear a mask

Social distance and wear a mask

As COVID-19 and its variants continue to impact our communities, take basic precautions to keep yourself & others safe and healthy.  

voter protection hotline

At the Polls

If you’re voting and see something wrong, have problems at the polls, or have questions, call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-Our-Vote or 866-687-8683.

stay in line

Stay In Line

If you are in line before the polls close, you are legally allowed to vote. If this happens, stay in line and make sure the other voters in line know, too!

vote by mail

Vote early or by mail

If you’re reading this before November 2nd, you may be able to vote by mail or vote early. Click here to check your state’s rules. You can also use this link to find your early voting location or learn more about where to drop off your ballot if you’re voting by mail.

what about work

What about work?

Some states have laws that require your workplace to give you time off to vote. It likely will be unpaid, but you can see if your state requires your employer to give you time here.

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