October Newsline: Reflections & Highlights from the month!

Hi friend, 

While we enjoy the spooky treats of the Halloween season, we are also watching Congress with great suspense as they debate funding for critical family policies – like paid leave, affordable childcare, and accessible housing  – in the latest version of the Build Back Better Act.

I know I’ve sent you emails about Build Back Better and the upcoming election already- but it is a critical time to make our voices heard and build the strong future for working families we dream about. 

The news and social media might make you believe we are not getting any closer to our goals. The truth is, we’ve never been closer to giving all families time to care and accessible and affordable childcare. If you haven’t yet, tell Congress our families and communities deserve fully funded programs. 

A week from today we can make our voices heard in a different way in our state and local elections. All elections are incredibly important in building the future that we want. State and local politicians make decisions about public transportation, schools, utilities, and other important policies that impact our everyday lives. We need to make sure that our voices are heard loud and clear every year. To help you get ready, we’ve put together this page to verify your voter registration status, get election reminders, and double-check your polling locations.

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng

Highlights from the field:

We are thrilled to welcome Christina Thor as the 9to5 Wisconsin State Director. Listen in as Christina sits down with WORT Radio to talk about how the pandemic has affected women in the workplace. 

Join us on Thursday 10/28 for 9to5 Georgia’s October Virtual Chapter Meeting. Learn more about Election Protections, local elections happening this year, and how SB 202 is going to affect the polls.

For the upcoming election, 9to5 Colorado has put together a ballot guide with recommendations on how to vote on state and local ballot measures. You can also find explanations on each measure.

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