Voting is just one step in building a stronger future for ourselves, our families, and communities. We elect representatives at the local, state and federal level but our responsibility doesn’t end there- we must constantly pressure them to support policies and bills that help our families, our communities and our country thrive.

Below is a list of bills we are watching nationally and in Colorado, Georgia, and Wisconsin. These bills look different from each other but all support workers, people of color, women, and working people to create an economically just future. 9to5 members like you are spread out across the country and we want to know what you’re watching locally or at the state or federal level. Let us know what you’re watching where you are by filling out this form.

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National Legislation

Georgia Legislation

Wisconsin Legislation

Colorado Legislation

National Legislation

Freedom to Vote Act: John R. Lewis Act

What it is 

The bill would make election day a national holiday, allow for early voting and no-excuse-needed vote by mail, and provide federal checks and balances on new voting laws, among other measures.

Why it’s important

This bill helps curb voter suppression and makes it easier for everyone to vote when and how it fits their schedule.

What’s happening

On January 19th, the Senate debated the bill. Opponents used a longstanding rule called the filibuster to prevent a vote on the bill. Some Senators refused to make changes to the filibuster, a loophole that has for decades been used to prevent progressive legislation from passing, which prevented a vote on the bill. 

What’s next

We will keep fighting for this bill’s passage because no matter where we live or what we look like, we all deserve to have the freedom to vote and make our voices heard on the decisions that shape our lives.

Build Back Better Act

What it is 

The Build Back Better Act is a broad spending package that focuses on families, the climate, healthcare, and housing. It includes paid leave, child care subsidies that make sure families pay no more than 7% of their income on child care, universal pre-k, home health care for older adults, continues the Child Tax Credit monthly payments, clean energy advancements, and subsidies, and invests in affordable housing.

Why it’s important

This bill would make an incredible difference in the lives of women, people of color, and working people, like being able to afford child care or having to take unpaid leave to take care of a loved one or after having a baby.

What’s happening

In late December the bill was derailed by one democratic Senator and its fate has been uncertain since.

What’s next

It’s still possible that large chunks of this spending package will pass, but it is unclear what will stay and what will be eliminated. 

Equal Rights Amendment

What it is 

The Equal Rights Amendment would guarantee equal rights for all citizens regardless of sex and would end the legal distinctions between men and women in divorce, property, employment and other matters. It was originally introduced in 1923. 

Why it’s important

The ERA would guarantee the rights of women as a class and the rights of men as a class to be equal. For the first time, sex would be considered a suspect classification– or a group of people who have been discriminated against– as race, religion, and national origin currently are.

What’s happening

99 years after it was introduced, enough states have ratified the amendment for the amendment to be voted on in Congress and added to the constitution. However, some states ratified after a deadline and it is unclear on if the amendment would be legal. Learn more about the details here.   

What’s next

Lawyers have filed an appeal with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and advocacy groups have filed their support. The appeal argues that the deadline previously set is not legal and the amendment should be ratified. Read more here.

Violence Against Women Act 

What it is 

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is an essential piece of legislation that provides for sexual assault and domestic violence services across the country including counseling, housing, campus violence, elder abuse, and victim assistance. The bill was originally introduced and passed by then-Senator Joe Biden in 1994 and was continually renewed until 2019 when it stalled in Congress.  

Why it’s important

VAWA is critical legislation that impacts all communities’ ability to respond to and prevent sexual assault, abuse, and harassment and domestic violence.

What’s happening

The bill’s authorization ended in 2018 and was extended one year. In April of 2019 the reauthorization passed the House, closing the boyfriend loophole, or a gap in legislation that allows abusers who don’t fit a narrow definition of intimate partner to retain their firearms after a protective order is issued. The reauthorization stalled in the Senate due to this provision. The updated framework would also strengthen rape prevention and education efforts, expand rural, culturally specific, and LGBTQ services.  

What’s next

Congress will likely continue to allocate funding to existing VAWA programs through extensions but without the important additions and closing of the boyfriend loophole.

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Georgia Legislation

What it is 

The GA Coalition for Paid Leave is moving forward on a bill that would create a paid medical and family leave insurance program covering private sector workers in Georgia for 12 weeks of paid leave. It includes an inclusive definition of family and wage replacement rates that are highest for lowest wage earning workers. 

Why it’s important

The pandemic has highlighted the increased need for paid family and medical leave to support workers and reduce risks to public health. Paid parental leave is a critical support system for families that allows parents to bond with a new child during the first weeks after birth, foster placement, or adoption. Last year Georgia passed legislation that provided paid leave for public employees, this legislation would build upon that win to help cover all Georgians.  

What’s happening & What’s next

The bill will be introduced this legislative session. Follow 9to5GA on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date.

Pay Equity 

What it is 

9to5 Georgia is working to introduce a bill on pay equity that aims to narrow the gender and racial wage gap. The bill will include a salary history ban provision to ensure that wages are not based on past salaries, a policy that requires employers to publish salary ranges, prohibits retaliation and protects employees who discuss salaries with colleagues.

Why it’s important

Pay discrimination often follows women and people of color from job to job; the bill would prohibit reliance on prior salary history in setting pay, as well as in considering the applicant for employment.

What’s happening & What’s next

The bill will be introduced this legislative session. Follow 9to5GA on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date.

Workplace Harassment  

What it is 

The Respect Georgia Workers Alliance is working to reintroduce the Georgia Safe Workplaces Act. This law would provide protections against discrimination and harassment for all workers, including independent contractors and interns. It creates liability and right of action for instances of workplace harassment, and it expands the statute of limitations for reporting to three years from the date of the harassment. The bill provides protections against retaliation, and it also expands the definition of workplace harassment, providing more protections for more Georgia workers.

Why it’s important

Workplace harassment is a pervasive problem that impacts individuals and their earning and career potential. All employees no matter where they work deserve to have safe work environments.   

What’s happening & What’s next

The bill will be introduced this legislative session. Follow 9to5GA on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date.

View all of 9to5 Georgia’s Legislative Priorities

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Wisconsin Legislation

Milwaukee Family Leave Ordinance 

What it is 

This proposal would provide City of Milwaukee employees with 12 weeks of paid parental leave after welcoming a new child.

Why it’s important

Paid parental leave allows parents to bond with new babies and heal while not having to worry about paychecks and bills. Marina Dimitrijevic, the alder introducing the bill says, “We know there’s employee and labor shortages across the nation. I think this will make a great place for talent and recruitment, and diversity and inclusion.”

What’s happening and what’s next

The proposal was introduced in November and is making its way through committee hearings. The proposal is expected to be before the city’s Finance Committee in January. Follow 9to5 Wisconsin on Twitter, Facebook or by email to stay up to date. 

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Colorado Legislation

Rent Stabilization for Mobile Homes 

What it is 

9to5 Colorado is co-leading a bill to stabilize rent in mobile home parks. The bill also includes changes to the “opportunity to purchase” law that would give residents of mobile home parks more time, money and protections when making an offer to buy their park. 

Why it’s important

The bill would cap rent hikes at 3% a year, preventing wealthy investors who buy mobile home parks from pricing residents out of their neighborhoods. Mobile home parks can be unique cases where residents may own the home they live in but not the land it sits on. It would also use COVID relief funds to help residents purchase parks. Bills like this will keep residents in their homes and able to afford their rent. 

What’s happening and what’s next 

The bill will be formally introduced in February Rep. Andrew Boesenecker. Follow 9to5 Colorado on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date. 

Fair Work Week Scheduling 

What it is 

The fair workweek scheduling bill gives working people protections like advanced notice of their schedules, additional pay for last minute schedule changes, pay when a shift is canceled, protection from retaliation, minimum amount of rest time between shifts, and other measures. 

Why it’s important

Fair work week laws help workers better balance work and life. With protections like these, workers are fairly compensated for last minute changes, are able to balance work and home responsibilities, and are given time to rest. 

What’s happening and what’s next 

The bill will be introduced this legislative session.  Follow 9to5 Colorado on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date. 

Protecting Opportunities & Workers Rights (POWR Act) 

What it is 

This legislation eliminates a loophole that allows businesses to opt-out of anti-discrimination laws if they call their workers contractors, redefines a hostile work environment, provides additional protections for victims of discriminatory harassment, protects from age discrimination, and prohibits employers from making decisions about employment based on caregiving status.

Why it’s important

This billl helps protect workers from discrimination. The bill would eliminate the excessive “severe or pervasive” definition of hostile work environment and replaces it with one that instead considers an employee’s sense of well-being and safety to ease victims of discriminatory harassments’ access to justice

What’s happening and what’s next 

The bill will be introduced this legislative session.  Follow 9to5 Colorado on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or by email to stay up to date. 

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