Winning Justice for Working Women: 2012 and Beyond

As 9to5 prepares to observe our 40th anniversary, we have a lot to celebrate right now. In 2012, we

  •  won a “Ban the Box” campaign that took the question about past criminal convictions off the City of Atlanta’s employment application,
  • led collaborative efforts that reached 200,000 voters in the weeks before the election in Colorado,
  • won an end to the misclassification of county workers as “dependent contractors” in California,
  • organized low-wage women to speak out for child care and living wage jobs in Wisconsin, and
  • mobilized thousands in 21 cities across the country to support paid sick days.

It’s time to move forward on issues that matter to low-wage women and families – good jobs with fair wages, health care and family-flexible policies like paid sick days and family leave insurance; pay equity and an end to discrimination; a strong safety net, and a budget that protects services for low-income families.

So what will 2013 bring? 9to5 will continue to organize, and lift up the voices and leadership of low-wage women. Now is the time for real change. Resolve now to get involved in 9to5’s campaigns to fight for decent paying jobs with benefits where all workers are treated with dignity. Contact us today.



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