9to5 Wisconsin January 2022 Newsletter

As we begin the new year, my thoughts are focused on the future as 9to5 Wisconsin embarks on launching its Virtual Collective Liberation Series. This series will build upon our continued work to achieve economic justice for all working women in the state and help us become more intentional and resourceful in building power and participation.

As activist Lilla Watson states: “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together,” we understand that our liberty is directly bound to one another and that our shared humanity and prosperity unites us

We are evolving our traditional monthly membership meetings to the virtual collective liberation series. I am excited about these upcoming virtual sessions, as it provides an opportunity for working women from all communities and backgrounds to lift their voices. in what ‘we’ as a collective want to see in our community and how we can demand this from our government, systems, and institutions. In addition, our new meeting format will feature lunch and learns, listening sessions, think tanks, panel discussions, speaker series, and much more!

For me, I feel a strong sense of camaraderie with everyone I meet in this movement. The time to begin this important work for the betterment of our workforce, community, and future generations is now. Your voice is important in this process. I hope you will share your opinions and ideas as we continue to co-create a better future together.

In solidarity,

Christina Thor

Wisconsin State Director

9to5 Wisconsin

Campaign Spotlight:

Make it your 2022 new year’s resolution to vote in every election! Wisconsin has elections throughout the year and it’s more important than ever to stay up to date on being voter ready! Below are some local elections that are coming up.

  • School Board Elections (Primary) – Feb 15, 2022
  • Milwaukee Mayoral Race – Apr 5, 2022
  • School Board Elections (General) – Apr 5, 2022

Get started and verify your registration on the 9to5 Voter Resources Page.

Get Involved:

All families, no matter where they live, what they look like, or who they love all deserve to be included in policies created by our elected officials. Our need to care for one another is universal, yet so many people are left out of the narrow and dated definitions of family our legislators use. These dated definitions end up disproportionately impacting multi-generational households, people of color, immigrants, refugees and asylees, people with disabilities, people in rural and low-income households and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Take the pledge to expand the definition of family – no matter the policy, no matter the place.

January Session Recap:

On Saturday, January 22, we held our first meeting of the Collective Liberation Series, refocusing our understanding of colonialism and indigenous roots, and renewing our commitment towards decolonization at every level of power. 

Here are some resources we reviewed during January’s session:

  1. Decolonization Is for Everyone | Nikki Sanchez | TEDxSFU – YouTube
  2. What Does Liberation Look Like? – YouTube 

We also held a listening session to hear from our members. As a movement builder with 9to5, I encourage you to reflect on the following questions and send us your answers, so we can continue to build an inclusive Chapter:

  1. What does collective liberation look like to you?
  2. When was the first time you saw and/or felt power?
  3. What has happened in your life that drives you to do movement work?
  4. When there’s an unsettling feeling from the push and pull of power, where do you feel the pain physically?
  5. What issues are most important to you right now?
  6. What would you like to do more with 9to5?

We continue to offer year-round opportunities for members to get involved in, such as grassroots community organizing, civic engagement, leadership development & education, and people centered policy advocacy. If you’re interested in getting involved, we would love to hear from you!


CLS February Meeting

Mark your calendars for the next session in our Collective Liberation Series (CLS) as we close out African American Heritage Month. Saturday Feb 26, 2022, from 2 – 3:30 PM.

More details coming soon. Follow us on social for updates.

At 9to5 Wisconsin we continue to fight for Paid Family Leave for working women and our families. The expansion of paid leave would help ease the burden on many families and allow women to return to the workforce. The Wisconsin Watch outlines the importance of paid leave in our communities.

In the News

9to5 Wisconsin State Director, Christina Thor, voiced her thoughts in a recent report on why half of working women in Wisconsin want to quit their jobs. Asked why African American women are leaving their jobs at twice the rate of their peers, Christina believes issues including lack of flexibility and paid leave to be key factors. Read the full article in the Wisconsin Examiner.

In solidarity & community,

The 9to5 Wisconsin Team

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