Crossover Day in Georgia!


Today is Crossover Day, the Georgia General Assembly’s internal deadline for bills to clear at least one chamber and advance for further consideration by either the House or Senate! It’s one of the busiest days of the year at the Capitol, where legislators run through a marathon day of voting on different bills. Bills that fail to pass in their original chamber by the end of the day have less of a chance of becoming law, but they could later be revived if their language is inserted into other legislation. Now is the time to reach out to our legislators and let them know which bills are important to you — take action with us today!


Workplace Harassment

Last Friday, HB 1390 passed unanimously out of the House Judiciary Committee. The next step is for the House to vote on the bill! House Bill 1390, which has bipartisan support, would give city and county employees in Georgia the right of action to protect against retaliation from their employers. A major impetus behind the bill is the recent investigation into the Lawrenceville Police Department. Let our legislators know we need harassment-free workplaces in Georgia!

Paid Leave

House Bill 1517 (AKA the Georgia Family Insurance Act) ensures that all Georgians can take the time they need to care for themselves and their loved ones without sacrificing their paycheck or savings by providing comprehensive paid family & medical leave. This policy would create an insurance program funded jointly by contributions from both employers and employees, rather than placing the burden on employers alone. Individuals could then draw from this fund when they needed time to care for a new child, or in case of a family or medical emergency. HB 1517 is not only good for business, but it’s also good for public health in general. HB 1517 has been assigned to the Industry & Labor Committee. Help us contact committee members to show support for #PaidLeave4AllGA.

Pay Equity

HB 1177 bans employers from asking for salary history during the hiring process, provides anti-retaliation measures for applicants that do not disclose their wage history, and requires employers to disclose salary amounts in job postings. These measures could go a long way in helping all Georgians achieve equal pay. It’s time to take action on this issue by putting some pressure on the House Committee for Industry and Labor to schedule a hearing for this bill. You can call the committee office at (404) 656-5132 or call the Committee Chairman, Bill Werkheiser, at (404) 656-5132. Be sure to leave a message with your name, where in Georgia you are calling from, and why pay equity is important to you! Reference HB 1177 in your message and try to be as concise as possible.

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