Wisconsin’s Organizer Monthly – March 2022


March 16, 2022 marked one year since the tragic spa shooting in Atlanta, GA that took the lives of 8 people and injured several others.This senseless act of violence not only rocked the AAPI community, but the nation as a whole. 

In a national report shared by Stop AAPI Hate, a total of 10,905 acts of hate were reported during the period of March19, 2020 through December 31 ,2021. These numbers are staggering and unacceptable.

The collective trauma faced by our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities has been great. As we pause to reflect and honor the victims of the Atlanta Spa Shootings and their families, let us be reminded that there is still much work to be done.

The time for healing is now. At 9to5 Wisconsin we are committed to engaging and working with community leaders to educate, build tolerance and to finally ending the violence against our AAPI brothers and sisters.

In solidarity,

Christina Thor

Wisconsin State Director

9to5 Wisconsin

Campaign Spotlight:

We deserve a Mayor that cares! 

On April 5, 2022, the city of Milwaukee will elect a new mayor. 9to5 Wisconsin and our partners have come together to declare our agenda for the next Mayor. Our objectives center around investing in the leadership of our BIPOC women, girls and LGBTQIA+ communities. We need to reimagine our safety, our public education systems, as well as investing in small businesses and COVID precautions. To read our full agenda click HERE.

Make sure you’re prepared for election day! Verify your registration status and polling location at  9to5.org/WIvotes.


March Session Recap:

This month members came together to celebrate and share stories of their experiences of Women’s History month.  The group lifted up the names of women who have inspired them throughout history such as Raden Adjeng Kartini an Indonesian woman who fought for women’s emancipation, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and soon to be confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. We discussed the impact of our mothers and grandmothers on our lives as well as the effect the pandemic has had on women, parents, and families. 

The conversation included ways public policy affects working women and the need for self and community care for women activists as we continue our work towards change. The importance of voting and civic engagement echoed through the group as we talked about “where do we go from here?” We ended our time together reflecting on the quote from Harriet Tubman “Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”


As you know our Spring Elections are almost here. Join us for our April 2022 CollectiveLiberationSeries: “ Voter’s Voices Roundtable” where we will recap the elections and discuss where we go from here. Registration is now open. Visit 9to5.org/wimeeting and reserve your spot today.  More information coming soon.

In solidarity & community,

The 9to5 Wisconsin Team



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