Hi Friend,

I’m excited to share with you our 2021 Annual Report, as a reflection of the love, dedication, and hard work that we– staff, members, donors, funders, fellow warriors and co-conspirators– have accomplished over the past year.

Grace Lee Boggs, the great activist and revolutionary, said it best: love is about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Our work for social justice is fueled by love, dedication, and a commitment to fighting for basic human rights for low-wage working women of color and their families. I want to share with you some highlights of the impact of this love from our annual report. 

Right now, as we watch the effects of the pandemic, climate change, skyrocketing housing prices, and voter suppression on our community, 9to5 remains standing strong, fighting for working women and families every day.

As we look forward to our 50th anniversary in 2023, we will continue to advocate for and lift the voices of those most directly impacted, whether it’s today or the next fifty years.

In Solidarity,

Leng Leng Chancey

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