Celebrating Our Asian American Pacific Islander Community


This May, it’s important to reflect about the seeds our ancestors have sown to fully appreciate what we have today and where we’d like to go. Though there is so much more work to be done to achieve full economic and racial justice, we must plant before we can harvest

As we celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month this May, let’s not forget that we need to celebrate every culture every day and remember our collective, critical roles in America’s roots.

Since the pandemic, we have witnessed a drastic increase in xenophobia, racism, bias, and violence against the AAPI community. The renewed spike in hateful rhetoric and violence towards our AAPI communities, across all ages, genders, and cultures, is not what America should be and not what it can be.

As a member of the AAPI community here in Wisconsin, it is my hope that we can come together in the spirit of understanding and compassion. We are standing on the shoulders of giants, and we must not dishonor the trailblazers who have gone before us to achieve such progress.

I invite you to our May Collective Liberation Series, where I will be sharing my lived experience, while honoring the lens of my ancestors, and speaking about the importance of liberation, connection and belonging in America. Through this time of hope and healing, you will learn many unspoken truths about the real history in our country – the real seeds that were sown.

I look forward to seeing you this month at our next meeting. Until then, I hope you enjoy the fresh air our land is offering us and its new, beautiful blooms!

With warmest regards,

Christina Thor

9to5 Wisconsin State Director

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