Hi Friend,

This month the Women’s Bureau released a report on the cost of child care across the country and they reported what we already knew – child care is expensive and the cost keeps women out of the workforce. We don’t need a report to tell us that this need impacts people of color, women, and low-income workers the most. 

Access to affordable, accessible, culturally relevant, and safe child care is essential to keeping women in the workforce. It’s going to take many different creative solutions to meet the needs of our diverse families. We recently highlighted one of those solutions, Friend, Family, and Neighbor Care, on our blog as an essential piece to the puzzle of solving child care. 

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng Chancey


9to5 members like you are spread out across the country and we want to know what you’re hoping to see pass locally, state-wide, or federally. We want you to tell us about the specific legislation you’re paying attention to by filling out this two-minute survey! 



Legislative session has kicked off in Georgia and we have outlined our priorities, including protecting workers from harassment, equal pay, and people-powered prosperity.


Colorado is working on three housing bills this legislative session including a bill that would allow for local control of rent was just introduced last week.


We’re planning our Winter Leadership Symposium. Sign up for updates so you can be the first to register.

What We’re Reading

Rental application fees add up fast in a tight market. But limiting them is tough
Reusable rental screenings could be a helpful tool in saving working people money while looking for housing, but convincing states and landlords to use them is difficult. 

Inflation is easing, even if it may not feel that way
People of color, low-income workers, and women are facing the brunt of inflation costs and have less room in their budgets to afford price changes. The costs are most seen in necessary expenses like groceries, rent, and utilities.

She Says Doctors Ignored Her Concerns About Her Pregnancy. For Many Black Women, It’s a Familiar Story.
Black women are more likely to die in childbirth and are more likely to not be believed or be ignored by healthcare workers. 

Employers, Take Note—Young Women Are Planning Their Lives Around State Abortion Laws
Working women are making decisions about where they live and work based on their access to abortion. Some companies try to close the gap by offering to pay for travel expenses and time off.

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