Whether your celebrating your mom, a mother figure or another loved one, Mother’s Day is just around the corner (Seriously, did you plan something for the momma in your life? You’ve got a couple more days!). We’ve put together a list of five things you can do for all moms this Mother’s Day.

Pregnant workers’ rights, reproductive justice, paid leave for all, affordable child care, and closing the gender pay gap are essential to reaching economic justice for moms. There have been some important updates in these areas. Keep reading to learn more and get involved.

Share About Rights for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers

This year, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act were passed, advancing the rights of pregnant and breastfeeding people in the workplace.

The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act was passed at the same time as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and ensures that a breastfeeding person has the right to a private space to pump during the workday and expanded that protection to millions of workers. Read more about those changes here. 

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act gives pregnant people the right to reasonable accommodations without facing discrimination or retaliation. Reasonable accommodations like a flexible schedule, a stool to sit on, or water nearby can make all the difference for a pregnant person in the workplace. Read more about these changes here. 

These protections can only help workers when we know about them. Share our social media posts on both of these issues or share this blog with a friend! 

Donate for Reproductive Justice

Access to safe, affordable, and accessible reproductive health care is essential to an economically just future for everyone. Politicians restrict abortion and issue confusing rules about medications because they know who it will hurt most- people of color, low-income women, & marginalized communities.

It’s essential to continue to donate to abortion funds so that people affected by bans and restrictions can access the health care they need. 

Donate Here

Learn More About Paid Leave for All Families

As we continue to advocate for paid leave, we have to include the broad definition of who needs paid leave when welcoming a new member to the family. That means when we’re advocating for legislation we insist on expansive definitions of family to include everyone, no matter where they live, what they look like, or who they love. Too often people of color, immigrants, refugees and asylees, people with disabilities, people in rural and low-income households, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are left out of policies because they don’t fit the narrow, outdated definition of family.

Learn More About Expanding Paid Leave To Include All Families

Learn More About Child Care Legislation 

All families deserve affordable, safe, and culturally relevant child care and providers should earn thriving wages in their jobs. Recently the Child Care for Working Families Act was reintroduced and would work to address the cost of child care, support childcare workers and address racial and gender disparities in the current system. 

Learn more about this bill. 

Learn More About the Motherhood Penalty and Pay Disparities 

As soon as someone becomes a mom they begin experiencing the motherhood wage penalty. On average moms make 63 cents for every dollar a dad makes – this occurs because of outdated, sexist attitudes and assumptions about working moms. This drop in income and income potential will follow moms throughout their careers and can result in thousands of dollars over a lifetime.

Learn More 

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