Hi Friend,

This month the FAMILY Act was reintroduced and as we prepare to enter pride month I am thinking about how we must continue to demand all families, no matter what their love looks like and whether or not they have a legal or biological relationship, are included in our policies. 

After yet another year of ruthless and baseless attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, it is more important than ever to not only ensure everyone is included in laws and policies, but to stand up against homophobia and transphobia to work toward a world free from the oppression that threatens safety, economic security, and happiness.  

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng Chancey


This month we celebrated moms of all kinds on our blog. Everyone deserves to decide when and if they become a mother and to have access to the healthcare they need. That includes access to abortion, healthcare to support healthy pregnancies, closing the pay gap, paid leave, and affordable child care. Check out the blog to learn more:

Join Our Team

More positions coming soon. Check here for updates!



We continued to fight for working families this session by passing the Ensure Equal Work for Equal Pay Act, Water Quality in Mobile Homes and a bill clarifying text in the FAMLI Act to protect low-income workers. Stay tuned for our legislative summary!


Join our 9to5 Georgia Team as we honor working women in the Armed Forces. Participate in an interactive panel decision on the challenges women in the Armed Forces experience when returning to the workplace after completing their service.


Join 9to5 Wisconsin’s paid leave campaign! Sign up to take action for paid leave for all Wisconsinites, share your story about paid leave, and to receive updates about the WI paid leave campaign.

Celebrating 50 Years

For 30 years, 9to5 hosted the national job hotline. Workers could call for advice from our trained counselors about workplace issues like sexual harassment, maternity leave, pay discrimination, or other concerns. We helped countless workers understand their rights and identify discrimination.

We closed the hotline in 2019, but you can still call several hotlines. Check out our Instagram post for more info!

What We’re Reading

Why work-life balance is essential for Black women
Explore why work-life balance is essential for Black women and read suggestions on how to get started. 

Abortion Bans Endanger Women’s Lives, New Study Shows
Studies are beginning to show what we knew from the start- abortion bans are endangering the lives of women across the country. 

The equity wars: Equity is everywhere. But what exactly is it — and why is it so controversial?
Explore the difference between equity and equality, why it is so controversial, who it’s for, and how it shows up in policymaking. 

The Republican push to weaken child labor laws, explained
Some politicians are trying to change child labor laws endangering immigrant children and threatening workplace regulations and wages. 

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