Last month the Supreme Court continued its attacks on our community as it continued to limit the rights of people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and women in favor of those who line their pockets.

The same billionaire-backed Justices on the Supreme Court who took away our freedom to decide what happens to our bodies have now ruled to make freedom a luxury only for the wealthy, white, straight few. They want to rule over us, not represent us.

The Supreme Court’s decisions on affirmative action, reproductive justice, and student loan debt all work together to continue to oppress marginalized communities. It is not a mistake that those in power, swayed by corporate interests, continue to dismantle progress toward equity and economic freedom for women of color, LGBTQ+ people, and other marginalized people.

Here are some of the decisions that will impact us most:

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and v. UNC

This decision creates new barriers for students of color/Black, Latino, and Native American students to access higher education. It also bans colleges and universities from creating equality in education, forcing every college and university to follow a set admissions approach.

Our take: There is no such thing as “race-neutral” when white supremacy is fused into the bones of institutions and systems that have not reckoned with past and present injustice. The decision to dismantle affirmative action will have a direct and devastating impact on women of color. Our reality is not colorblind and the Supreme Court’s decision is a dangerous undermining of progress.

303 Creative v. Aubrey Elenis

This decision takes away equal protection under the law and allows corporations to discriminate.

Our take: This decision allows for discrimination and will be harmful to LGBTQ+ people, especially queer women of color. All businesses should serve all people and we cannot afford any steps backward in achieving equal rights for LGBTQ+ people. We must work together to ensure equality for LGBTQ+ people in the workplace, in business, in housing, in the education system, and in all institutions.

Dept. of Education v. Brown; Biden v. Nebraska

Takes away student loan debt relief.

Our take: Black women graduate with higher debt than their peers, carry that debt longer, and experience larger pay gaps in the workplace. Student loan forgiveness is a necessary step for working women as we navigate these systematic burdens while struggling to pay for necessities like rent, healthcare, and groceries.

Glacier Northwest v. Teamsters

This decision takes away working people’s right to strike for a fair return on our work and allows corporations to block our right to strike/to join together for a fair return on our work.

Our take: Striking is supposed to be an inconvenience to workplaces and this decision could make striking on the job more risky. It’s no coincidence that the corporate-backed court wants to give businesses more power at a time when workers are organizing more for better workplaces.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

It takes away our freedom to decide what to do with our bodies.

Our take: This decision was an appalling blow to the human rights, safety and dignity of not just women and birthing people, but families, communities and working people everywhere. Since the ruling June 26,2023 26 states have or plan to ban abortion, affecting 15.4 million women of color. These bans have put burdens on people seeking abortion care to bear the expense of travel or face being denied care entirely.

Sackett v. EPA

Takes away our freedom to keep our water clean from pollution.

Our take: The Supreme Court has been working to strip away the power of the Environmental Protection Agency and this case allows corporations to pollute even more of our water supply and harm the government’s ability to address pollution and flooding. People of color and other marginalized groups are more likely to experience the harmful effects of pollution, flooding, and climate change.

The past month was painful and exhausting but we will continue our work towards a future of economic and racial justice knowing that the true liberation is with our communities, not with court decisions. Together, we can take on this faction and make this a place where we can earn a good living and have a good life.

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