Do You Want to Share Your Story about Wisconsin’s Family Medical Leave Act

This spring marks the 25th anniversary of 9to5’s hard work and Governor Tommy Thompson’s signing of one of the most generous family medical leave laws in the country. The Wisconsin Family Medical Leave Act covers domestic partners and  more part-time workers and allows for substitution of accrued time to earn a living on what otherwise would be an unpaid leave.  Based on the critical necessity to provide economic security for Wisconsin families, 9to5 Wisconsin convened a broad partnership of families, workers, and their advocates creating The Keep Families First Coalition to protect our historic WI FMLA.

On March 21st, children and their families from across the state will convene at the Wisconsin State Capitol to share their families’ stories of using the Wisconsin FMLA and to express gratitude to their state representatives for the ability to care for their family in a time of need. Unfortunately, nearly half the workforce isn’t covered by WI FMLA and many workers don’t have paid time they can use. Twenty-five years after the passage of Wisconsin FMLA, its time to expand it and make it more accessible

How can you get involved?

  • Click here to submit your story WI FMLA. What we learn from you will help us make a case for changes working families need.
  • Call 1-800-362-9472 to ask your State Senator what they’re doing to expand WI FMLA.
  • Or you can ride the bus with us to Madison on March 21st, by calling Emily at 414-274-0925.


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