Is your family ready? A message from a 9to5 member

My name is Rev. Harriet Bradley, co-chair of 9to5 Atlanta. This week I will be one of several 9to5 members from across the country who will be attending Caring Across Generations Congressional briefing to discuss with Senators possible solutions to problems that domestic caregivers face every day.

As a home health caregiver I know first-hand the need for legislation to ensure that those who need care can access it and that this important workforce has adequate wages as well as benefits. Currently, we are not eligible for overtime pay or paid sick days.

This week we’re taking our story to D.C., and we need your help. You can support us by sharing this video with your friends and family, and together we will tell Congress about the millions of American families lacking a system that can support our long-term care needs.

In Solidarity,

Rev. Harriet Bradley, co-chair 9to5 Atlanta


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