Press Statement: U.S. House of Representatives Takes a Step Backwards and Votes for H.R. 1406

9to5 Statement on the Working Families Flexibility Act
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Contact: Susan Berryman-Rodriguez, 9to5 (404) 222-0030

(Washington, DC) – Today’s floor vote on the Working Families Flexibility Act before U.S. House of Representatives

9to5 National Executive Director Linda Meric released the following statement in response:

“Just in time for Mother’s Day, the U.S. House of Representatives voted against hard-working mothers and fathers in favor of less flexibility, less time and less money for families. The ill-named Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1406) is a step backwards for hardworking Americans. Rather than making life work for families, H.R. 1406 makes life harder.

Together 9to5 members and our allies will continue to oppose this bill and use this opportunity to talk about the policies working families really need – earned sick days, equal pay measures, fair scheduling practices, national paid family and medical leave insurance, a fair minimum wage, and expansion of the Family Medical Leave Act.”



For a detailed statement on H.R. 1406, click here.

About 9to5: With forty years’ experience in winning justice for working women, 9to5 leads the way to create a powerful force for change on issues affecting low-wage women and their families. 9to5 organizes women to lead campaigns for family-supporting jobs with decent wages and paid sick days; stronger protections against workplace discrimination; and a strong safety net for low-income families. As one of the largest, most respected national membership organizations of working women in the U.S., we’ve won real changes since the hit song and movie based on 9to5 hit the charts. To learn more or to get involved, visit and find us on Facebook and Twitter.


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