Action Alert: Should you have to choose between your health and your job?

Many pregnant women face an impossible choice: endanger their health or lose their job. That’s because requests for “light duty” like avoiding heavy lifting or staying off ladders, job accommodations that are often provided for injured workers, can legally be denied to pregnant workers. As a result, some women who want and need to continue working throughout their pregnancies, have been forced to quit, or forced onto unpaid leave.

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) was re-introduced last week in Congress. This legislation will ensure that pregnant women can work safely during their pregnancies while continuing to support their families.

Stacey, a young working mother and member of 9to5 Atlanta, was eight months pregnant with her second child and sprained her ankle. She brought in a doctor’s note saying that she needed to stay off her foot for two days. Because her employer was not required to accommodate her injury, he fired her, saying that she could reapply for her position once her child was born. Stacey has been an active member of 9to5 since that time. She continues to speak out, contacting legislators and encourage friends and family to join this effort to protect pregnant workers.

Click here to send a message to Congress now.

Join Stacey! Stand up for working women and contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act today!

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