Blog: Visiting Senator Isakson as a Citizen Lobbyist

Written by Rev. Harriet Bradley, 9to5 Atlanta board member

What I love so much about my country,  the United States of America,  is that the  government is for the people and by the people.  I remember my senior year in high school taking a Government course and thinking then how was this class was going to help me in life!  Little did I know that the Lord would have me right in the middle of our political process.

I recently returned  from Washington, D.C ,  and the next day Charmaine Davis, Georgia State Director of 9to5 and myself went to the Atlanta office of Senator Johnny Isakson.  We met with Jordan Dawson.  I shared with Jordan the experience that I had in Washington concerning  the reintroduction of Senate Resolution 453 by Senator Tom Harkin that expresses support for seniors and individuals with disabilities. I was also able to put a face with being a caregiver by sharing my experience and how not icnreasing the Medicare reimbursement rate has affected my salary. But I definitely emphasized even though I haven’t had an increase in pay, the Lord has definitely taken good care of me.

Ms. Charmaine shared about the five policy pillars: Job Creation, Job Quality, Training and Career Ladders, Roadmap to Citizenship and finally Support for Consumers and Families.

Jordan was very engaged in our conversation by taking notes and listening to our concerns.  He expressed that he would pass on all of our concerns about  improving home healthcare to Senator Isakson.

In a follow-up email  Jordan expressed very eloquently about our meeting; ” It was a pleasure to meet with both of you. It is a real bonus in my job when I am able to meet people as kind and informed as you. I thoroughly enjoyed our meeting and was happy to pass along your information and concerns to Senator Isakson.”

This meeting was another step in seeing the improvements that we desire concerning  home healthcare. Yes, our government is working just as it was designed!

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