Media Statement: 9to5 Applauds Supreme Court’s Decisions in Marriage Equality Cases

9to5 Statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in Windsor v. U.S. and Hollingsworth v. Perry
Monday, June 25, 2013
Susan Berryman-Rodriguez, 9to5 (404) 222-0030

(Washington, DC) –The U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in Windsor v. U.S. and Hollingsworth v. Perry advancing marriage equality for lesbian and gay Americans


9to5 National Executive Director Linda Meric released the following statement in response:

“Today’s Supreme Court decisions are a huge step forward on the road to full equality for lesbian and gay Americans. We are pleased that the Court struck down the discriminatory federal Defense of Marriage Act and let stand a lower court ruling that found California’s Proposition 8 to be unconstitutional.

Every American regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity should be protected against discrimination, afforded legal protections, and provided equal treatment under the law. It’s unjust to discriminate against someone or deny the right to marry based on who they are or who they love.

9to5 remains committed to working with our allies until all of our nation’s same-sex couples and their families have marriage equality and all LGBT individuals have full equality in all aspects of their lives.”



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