Los Angeles Town Meeting

9to5 California says “It’s Time for a Raise.”

Did you know that 2/3 of minimum wage workers are women? That’s 20 million women who need a raise – and another 10 million men. If the value of the minimum wage today was what it was worth in 1968, it would be $10.67/hour! What happened?

Congress is home for August recess. We want to bring home to them the urgency of raising the federal minimum wage right away – to $10.50/hour this year! Help us get back to 1968. Here’s how!


9to5 Los Angeles is sponsoring a Town Meeting on September 5th, Thursday, at 6 PM, at Cal State University/ Dominuez Hills in Los Angeles. Co-sponsored by the California Faculty Association, the invited congressional representatives are Karen Bass, Janice Hahn, and Maxine Waters.

We invite all 9to5 members and friends to sign the petition- Summons for August L.A. Town Meeting. When you have signed it, get signatures from friends and neighbors on the back and send it to 9to5 before the end of August.

For more information, please see the excellent, short video here

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