National Day of Action Atlanta Event: We Can Do Better

Have you ever worried about losing a day’s pay, or even your job because you needed to keep a sick child home from school or take an elderly parent to the doctor?

In Georgia, more than 800,000 working people worry about missing a paycheck – and their ability to cover basics like groceries and rent – while taking care of family members.

We can do better.

Join us for 9to5’s National Day of Action. We’ll be celebrating 20 years of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and working to support the Family Care Act, a bill that will allow Georgia families to keep their jobs, and support local businesses and the economy, while keeping their families healthy.

How can you get involved?

1. Come out and join us on Aug 29 at the Georgia State University courtyard (near Library North, entrance near the intersection of Courtland and Gilmer)! We’re inviting GSU students, 9to5 members, and local legislators to join us for a photo project highlighting the need for time away from the job to care for loved ones, as well as sign a petition supporting the Family Care Act. We also need help leafletting campus on Aug 26. Contact Charmaine at 404-222-0037 or at to RSVP.

2. Sign the pledge to support family-flexible policies that allow people to care for themselves and their families without jeopardizing their jobs or economic security:

3. Tell us what Time To Care means to you by taking your own picture or sharing your quote. Contact Lindsey at 404-222-0037 or at for more info.

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