Media Coverage: 9to5 Member Speaks Out on Women’s Equality Day

Wausau Daily Herald
August 29, 2013
By Melissa Engels- Lewis, 9to5 Member

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EDITOR: On Aug. 26 I attended an event here in Wausau celebrating the anniversary of women being able to vote. At this event, I was appalled to hear the story of a woman from my community of being fired from her job for needing time off to receive treatment for her cancer.

If we expect people to take responsibility for themselves, stay off of taxpayer-funded programs and take care of themselves and their families, why is what happened to this woman allowed? I didn’t even know that Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Act was under attack until this event, but now will make sure to reach out to my legislators and let them know that repealing the law is not an option.

If we want people to be responsible for the health and well-being of their families, in this failing economy, everyone’s focus should be on supporting that — not taking away commonsense laws that should never be in question. Workers need Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Act.

Melissa Engels Lewis


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