Tell Your State Legislator: Support WI Family Leave Insurance!

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the WI Family and Medical Leave Act signed by Governor Tommy Thompson. It’s time to build upon the success that Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Act has afforded thousands of Wisconsin’s working families.

Send a message to our State Legislature! I support my legislature in passing Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance.  No one should have to choose between the family they love and a paycheck they need.  It’s time to focus on policies that boost jobs, families and the community.

Family Leave Insurance enables people to maintain basic spending levels on essentials like food, utilities and repairs at a time when they need it the most – contributing to overall stability for families, communities, and a growing economy.

It’s a simple common-sense solution that is good for families, local businesses and the economy.

Sign the petition to let legislators know that we want to see a version of Family and Medical Leave Insurance in Wisconsin!

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