9to5 Colorado Releases Groundbreaking Transit Report

After intensive community canvassing, surveying, and organizing 9to5 Colorado has released our transit report titled Left at the Station: A Civil Rights Perspective on Transit Justice in the Front Range.

9to5 Colorado spoke with residents living in the West Corridor of RTD’s light rail expansion. This report highlights key community concerns of affordability, safety, schedule changes, and gentrification among low-income communities. Additionally, it provides recommendations for an equitable, just, and accessible transit system along the Front Range.

Download your copy of  Left at the Station in PDF format.

Contact 9to5 Colorado at 303-628-0925 for a hard copy.

Following this report release, 9to5 is kicking off our exciting campaign for an Income-Based Pass system. Led by our members, we will be taking action to ensure all communities are able to benefit from RTD’s public transit system.

Sign the petition for affordable transit today!

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