What do 9to5 members do?

9to5 members are the lifeblood of our organization. They are central to 9to5’s work to improve the lives of working women and their families. They initiate and lead our campaigns. Build relationships with working women and decision-makers in their community. Support the fight to win justice for working women with their annual dues and their enthusiasm, strength, and power. That’s why each year from February through the end of April we run 9to5’s annual Membership Drive, dedicated to recruiting new members at a discounted rate.

The 9to5 Action Network is made up of members who take action in their own communities, even though they don’t live near a chapter. They use our action toolkits for outreach on our core issues and national Days of Action. Shanese Moore, Action Network leader in Cleveland, Ohio, (pictured here) explains why she is a 9to5 member:

“There are far too many women who are unfairly treated in the workplace. I am them and they are me, therefore I must speak out. I want to speak up for the woman who thinks her voice doesn’t matter. I want to support and fight for the woman who thinks she doesn’t matter. 9to5 gives me the opportunity to support women through national campaigns, community outreach, and by donating monthly as a Movement Builder.”

Long time Action Network member Mason Logie, in Staten Island, NY, shares:

“Fifteen years ago I was embroiled in an office war that went on for years, in which I was discriminated against because of my disability. When I had questions, I would call the 9to5 Job Survival Helpline, where I always got good advice and information about my rights. It drove my tormentors crazy – they’d ask, “Who’s giving Mason all this good advice?” Thankfully, that period of my life is behind me now. I will always appreciate the help that 9to5 gave me. That’s why I’m still a consistent dues-paying member after all these years.”

What does being a 9to5 member mean to you? How have you seen 9to5 members show their strength?

Join or renew your membership today!

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