Legislative Update: Marching On!

Critical bills for working women and families have been front and center in Congress this week — and the results are a mixed bag. We must keep up the drumbeat calling on Congress to make progress for women and families!



The Good News: Unemployment Insurance

Thanks to months of consistent pressure from 9to5 members and concerned citizens everywhere, on Monday the Senate finally successfully passed a bill to renew Emergency Unemployment Insurance benefits to the long-term unemployed. But Speaker Boehner is refusing to call it for a vote in the House.

Restoring this safety net is crucial for families trying to get back on their feet.

Contact your Representative at 877-363-6141
Ask your Rep to demand that House Speaker John Boehner call for a vote on Emergency Unemployment Insurance now!



The Bad News: The Paycheck Fairness Act

In an inexcusable political maneuver, on Wednesday a small number of Senators blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act from a vote or even debate!

This happened the day after Equal Pay Day, when 9to5 members and others across the country, including the President, took action to call on Congress to ensure equal pay. 9to5 remains committed to working to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, an important step in ending gender pay discrimination.



What’s Next: Raising the Minimum Wage

In the next couple of weeks, the Senate will be voting on a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. In addition to giving 30 million workers a much-needed raise, this would also be a crucial step in ending gender pay discrimination —Women make up nearly two-thirds of all workers paid the minimum wage or less. Stay tuned with ways to support this bill as the vote approaches!



Together, we will continue making our voices heard to Congress and ensure that the needs of working women and families stay front and center.

Add your voice — contact your HouseRepresentative today!

Call 877-363-6141 and ask your Rep to demand that House Speaker John Boehner call for a vote on Emergency Unemployment Insurance now!

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