The Power of Membership

Being a 9to5 member is powerful.  Not only are members involved and committed on an individual level, but they also unite to build a formidable collective voice that will not be silenced or ignored.  At the core of a movement for meaningful change, 9to5 members embody power in their thoughts, words, and actions.

Members develop their knowledge. Through leadership trainings, events, and newsletters, 9to5 members stay informed on the issues impacting working women. As current Colorado board member, Dawn Marquantte, puts it, “9to5 is my direct connection to the women’s movement for equality by providing education, support, up to date information, and an outlet for women to speak their truth.” Members tap into avenues that develop personal understanding, passion, and knowledge of what women face in the workplace every day.

Members speak out. While there are many ways to be involved, 9to5 members fight against structural oppression and sexism in their daily lives. Dawn remarks that 9to5 “uplifted [her] confidence and activated [her] natural passion to speak out, lead, educate, and empower others.” Members like Dawn channel their activist energy through 9to5 and find their voice in the struggle for a more equitable world.

Members take action! Whether it’s participating in a rally, joining a march, or remaining committed to transforming the workplace, 9to5 members take tangible steps toward positive change. According to Dawn, her mission as an activist is to “first educate the youth in [her] family about gender and race equality, then reach out to the youth of our community.”  In whichever way members choose to act, they are a part of a united movement to win justice for working women.

Now that’s powerful.

Be sure to join or renew your membership before the Membership Drive ends! You can join for only $20 (half off the regular rate) for only a few more days or until the end of April. Join here:


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