A Landmark Moment: The White House Summit on Working Families

On Monday, I was thrilled to join an incredible delegation of 9to5 members and staff at the White House Summit for Working Families. This was a full day spent with activists, advocates, and elected officials discussing solutions on the issues 9to5 has spent 41 years fighting for and advancing: equal pay, family-flexible workplaces, and an end to workplace discrimination.

I was so proud to participate alongside powerful 9to5 member-activists, who weighed in on solutions for the workplace issues they are directly affected by. 9to5 member Shelby Ramirez was selected to eat lunch with President Obama and tell him why she needs paid family and medical leave!

It was the efforts of 9to5 and our partner organizations that raised these issues to the national spotlight. And it is our efforts that will turn these solutions from conversation into reality.

You can help us increase our efforts — 
Donate $15 today to fund our campaigns for paid sick days and paid family leave, pay equity, and an end to discrimination in the workplace.

Taking part in the discussions at the White House Summit was inspiring, but discussions alone aren’t going to bring about the change working women need. With your help, we’ll continue to organize and win justice for working families everywhere.

In solidarity,
Linda Meric, National Executive Director

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