Event: 10th Annual 9to5 California Conference

“Change the Workplace, Change the World”
10th Annual 9to5 California Conference

Panels and trainings:

  • Wage Theft
    Ruth Silver Taube, Workers Rights Attorney, Katherine and George Alexander Community Law Center
  • Living Wages
    Elly Matsumura, Working Partnerships USA
  • Making the Election Connection
    Jessica Bartholow, Western Center on Law and Poverty
  • Promoting Workplace Flexibility
    Ana B Fortes, US DOL Women’s Bureau
  • Keynote Speaker
    Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Supervisor

The cost is $20 to register, with no one turned away for lack of funds. Box lunches are available for an additional $10.

Special deal: $40 includes your registration and half-off annual membership dues!

Ready to sign up?
Print off and mail in this form or register online!


Special thank you to our sponsors!

Champion Sponsors: the Office of Councilmember Kansen Chu, District 4 and California Nurses Association



Ally Sponsors:
– AFSCME Council 57
– California School Employees Association
– the Office of Councilmember Ash Kalra, District 2
– the Office of Councilmember Donald Rocha, Disctrict 9
– the Teamsters Local 287

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