Event: Lobby Day at the Capitol


Join us for 9to5’s Lobby Day!

When: January 29th, 2015

What time: 9am-12pm

Where: 9to5 office, 501 Pulliam St, SW
#344, Atlanta, GA 30312


We will meet at the 9to5 office at 9am for a training on grassroots lobbying. At 10am we will carpool to the capitol building where we will talk with legislators about:

  • Ban the Box- a campaign to end employment discrimination by removing discriminatory questions from employment applications
  • The Family Care Act- a bill that would allow employees to use their earned sick days to care for a child, spouse, or parent.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Kelsey@9to5.org for more information or to RSVP. We hope to see you at the gold dome!





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