What’s up in San Jose? Join us for these exciting events!

The 9to5 Bay Area / San Jose chapter wants you to know about several upcoming events in January.   Please join us — and bring a friend.   WE NEED YOU!


On the Martin Luther King holiday, Monday, January 19, starting by 8:30 AM at the Diridon train station in downtown San Jose, please meet us to talk with people about the crime of wage theft and local efforts to overcome it. We will talk with them while they wait in line to go to San Francisco — on what is sadly predicted to be the last Freedom Train.  (last day for advanced ticket sales was Jan. 10 but tickets may be available at the station on 1/19)   The train leaves at 9:45 AM so before that will be a short but good time to reach people. Please let us know if you can join us — or that you want a copy of the wage theft info card, prepared by the national 9to5 staff for use around the country.


Since Wage Theft has been an issue that 9to5 has been interested in for quite some time, Christina, Joan and Daislyn went to a Wage Theft Coalition planning meeting on Saturday 1/10.  There will be a press conference and rally for justice for workers at Crazy Buffet in Sunnyvale, a very bad organization which has 21 official judgments for wages not paid to employees.  What if it were you not being paid for all your work?  Come out on January 24, 11:30 AM – 1 PM.  Let’s make some noise and let the owners know this isn’t all right with us!  Contact us for more info. A big turnout is important!


January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month in Santa Clara County.  There are two upcoming free information sessions in San Jose, sponsored by the South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking (SBCEHT) and the county government Office of Women’s Policy. We hope you can attend one or both of them with us:

1)  Friday 1/16, 10 AM – 12:30 PM – Human Trafficking and Unaccompanied Minors

2)  Tuesday 1/20, 10 AM – 12:30 PM – Intersections of Trauma and Human Trafficking

These are free trainings for professionals, with continuing education credits available towards certification renewal. They are also appropriate for advocates and those learning more about the problem of HT and local services available for survivors. Contact us for locations and registration details.


February is Super Bowl month — and the SBCEHT has a working group preparing for public education and for direct services to human trafficking survivors around the 2016 Super Bowl at Levi Stadium in Santa Clara.  There are monthly meetings and trainings to take part in sharing information with employees at hotels, restaurants, etc. — about how to recognize situations likely involving HT (and what to do).  9to5 needs your participation and/or that of your friends as we are going to join the SBCEHT and the Super Bowl Working Group.  Please contact us to learn more.


To contact us about any of the above activities, you may leave a phone message with your contact information at our new 9to5 Bay Area / San Jose phone number:  408-678-3351 or send an email to <info@9to5.org> — for more information about any or all of the above opportunities for information and involvement.


We hope you will let us know what interests you — including subjects not covered above!

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