“Atlanta Can Hear My Voice!” 9to5 Members on the Radio

Regina Holloway, 9to5 member says, of her first experience speaking on the radio, “I’m in the mix! Atlanta can hear my voice! They don’t really give you a chance to get nervous.  There’s so much good, high energy there.”

On October 11, Regina and Folade Onuwachi were interviewed on WRFG Radio as part of 9to5 Atlanta’s Community Internship Program (CIP).  Regina reported that being on the air was “exciting and educational—something I’d never done before.”

Community Interns participate in an eight-week leadership development program, including political education, registering and educating voters, and skills training on topics such as talking to the media. As part of this training, Regina and Folade, along with 9to5 Organizer Vanessa Faraj, talked about their background as 9to5 members and their thoughts on women in the economy with interviewer Wiatta Freeman, host of WomanSpeak, the womanist/feminist news show on WRFG 89.3.

Regina knows that she has a message that is important for listeners to hear. “I talked about our Fair Eats Campaign, to change the history of waitresses making $2.13 an hour for the last twenty years.” The interviewer offered a common objection: that this pay should be adequate since waitresses also receive tips. “That’s OK for the ones working in high end restaurants,” Regina responded. “I worked at Waffle House off and on for five years— a one dollar, two dollar tipping place. That’s completely different from working at an upscale restaurant, where sometimes tables leave you thirty, forty, fifty dollars.”

Reflecting on her first experience on the radio, Regina says, “I’m ready to do it again!”

Pictured left to right: Regina Holloway and Folade Onuwachi in the WRFG studio.

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