Drum roll please…

Pictured: 9to5 Los Angeles members with California Senate President Kevin de León after passage of the Fair Days Pay Act.

The results are in! Now that the 2015 California Legislative Session has come to a close, take a look at the progress, victories, and work left to be done on the key bills that we’ve been working hard to pass this year. Download the 9to5 California 2015 Legislative Report here.

  1. Local Legislation
  • PASSED June 2015  —  Raise the Wage to $15 with Enforcement Ordinance – City of Los Angeles
  • ACTIVE — City of San Jose Wage Theft Ordinance
  • PASSED Spring 2015 —  County of Santa Clara Wage Theft Ordinance (permits restaurant permit revocation for non-payment of wages)


  1. State Legislation:
  • ACTIVE – Held in Appropriations —-School Success Act (AB 891) (Campos, San Jose) – 9to5 California is a lead sponsor of this bill, a follow-up to our successful bill ending the double penalty for school truancy faced by Cal-WORKS parents last year.
  • ACTIVE – HELD IN APPROPRIATIONS  — Paid Sick Leave (AB 11) – Lorena Gonzalez, San Diego  (for domestic workers, IHSS workers prev. excluded)
  • ACTIVE – Held in Appropriations — State Minimum Wage Increase (SB 3) – Leno
  • ACTIVE –  Assembly Floor Vote possible in January, 2016 —  End Maximum Family Grant Rule under CalWORKS (SB 23) – Sen. Holly Mitchell
  • PASSED & SIGNED INTO LAW 10/6/2015 —–California Fair Pay Act (SB358) – Jackson – strengthens CA equal pay laws, addresses wage gap.  ERA and CA Women’s Caucus  sponsorship
  • INACTIVE – Pulled by Author —-Predictable Scheduling (AB 357) – Chiu & Weber,  UFCW sponsorship
  • PASSED –  SB 588 the Fair Days Pay Act – To enforce collection of unpaid wages statewide!   Congratulations to local efforts by LA Wage Theft Coalition!!


  1. Federal Legislation:
  • INTRODUCED 7/15/15 –  Schedules that Work,  (HR 5159)   DeLauro & Miller – predicable scheduling  ALSO INTRODUCED 7/15/20 as S. 1772 (Warren)
  • INTRODUCED 2/12/15 —  Healthy Families Act (S 497 ) – Paid Sick Days –  Sen. Patty Murray,   Rep. Rosa DeLauro – The FAMILY Act (S 1810/HR 3712) – Paid family and medical leave insurance program


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