Building Together at 9to5’s Annual Leadership Conference 2016

We’ve wrapped up another 9to5 Annual Leadership Conference, with core leaders, board members, and staff gathering for three days in Illinois. Some of the highlights of the conference included hearing from a panel of Chicago-based partner organizations, skill building and anti-oppression training, strategic planning to set the course for 9to5’s future, and getting to celebrate both campaign and personal victories of 9to5 members from across the country.

Check out more pictures from our 2016 Annual Leadership Conference here.

Lifting up the leadership and organizing skills of our communities is critical to how we win justice for working women! There are a variety of leadership development opportunities available to 9to5 members all year long. In upcoming months, we’ll be offering trainings on communications skills, like storytelling, speaking to the press, and planning creative actions. To find out about opportunities near you, contact your local chapter or

With the skills, connections, and inspiration we brought home to each of our chapters from the Annual Leadership Conference, we’re feeling grounded and ready to tackle what’s next. We’d love to see you at the next workshop or training

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