Taking a Stand for Black Lives

Last week was difficult for many of us at 9to5 and our economic and racial justice allies. The tragic police killings of two more Black men in less than 48 hours filled us with sadness, anger and fear.  As a grandmother, it hurt my heart to see a four year old girl witness the murder of her mother’s boyfriend from the back seat of their car.

The police violence that killed Philando Castile was also violence against his girlfriend and her daughter.  That trauma will stay with them for the rest of their lives, just like it does for all the women of color who bear witness to state violence against their families and communities every day.

The death toll is truly staggering.  It includes Philando Castile in Minnesota  and Alton Sterling in Louisiana; 4 Latinx killed by police in the last week; 135 Black Americans killed by police this year – example after example of our nation’s long history and ongoing practice of institutional racism.

When protesters marched across the country last week to demand an end to police violence, a lone gunman in Dallas targeted and killed five police officers. This tragedy for their families and communities is being used by some politicians and media to call for increased use of police force against Black communities, and against protesters who are calling for a transformation of policing in our country.

9to5 stands in solidarity with those who have lost loved ones, with the communities most impacted by police violence, and with #BlackLivesMatter and others organizing and advocating for dignity, justice and respect.

As we continue to stand in solidarity, we want to share a message from #BlackLivesMatter.  For the full statement click here.

“The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect. … Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. … We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.”

At 9to5, let us redouble our efforts to fight for justice, and continue to organize together, across movements, for change to create a world where all of us can live free of discrimination, violence and oppression. Please join us in taking a stand for Black lives and in fighting tragedy with organizing.

Pledge with us to stand with the #BlackLivesMatter movement – http://action.movementforblacklives.org/pledge. Thank you.

In Solidarity,

Linda Meric

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