Wisconsin Should Lead on Leave!

“With women as primary or co-breadwinner in two-thirds of families, a shrinking middle class and wages not keeping up with inflation, we need policies that enable families to care for and provide for their loved ones.  All families, whatever their makeup, need relief during moments like welcoming a new child or caring for an aging parent.

State Sen. Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) and Rep. Sondy Pope (D-Mt. Horeb) sponsored Senate Bill 385 and Assembly Bill 516, to create a state-regulated wage replacement program for those needing family and medical leave — with no direct cost to business.  Employees pool small contributions into a fund that enables those who need leave to draw a significant portion of their wages during that time. Such a social insurance fund already exists in California, New Jersey and Rhode Island, and will soon be in place in New York.”

Read Astar’s full op-ed here

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