Volunteer Opportunity: Join the Team Registering Atlanta to Vote!

As you probably know by now, our country is heading into the heat of election season. At 9to5 we recognize that the power voters hold is critical to a just society where legislators are accountable to the issues that impact our families. We also recognize the importance of educating voters on their rights!

We want everyone in Georgia to be informed about the fact that if you haven’t exercised your right to vote in the past, it may effect their registration status today. While it takes 8 years of inactivity to be completely removed from the rolls, you may be placed on an inactive list if you haven’t voted since the last presidential election. You will still be able to vote come November, but the process may be time-consuming and complicated once you get to your polling location.

In the midst of the 2012 election season 9to5 Georgia member, LaKisha found herself pushed to the “inactive voter” list.  Thinking back to that day, she recalls that her “excitement turned to fear when I was informed by a canvasser that the state could purge registered voters who had not participated in the last few elections. I asked the canvasser to check my standing and I was informed I was no longer registered; I had been purged and needed to re-register. Luckily I was informed in time, and was able to register, vote, and even attend the presidential inauguration!”

Stories like this is why 9to5 has made a pledge to register and update the registration of 11,000 voters by October, 11th!

Volunteer to help us reach our goal

We are working hard to get out and get our communities registered, so those who want to have their voice heard can be sure to do so.

In order to reach this goal we need your support! By clicking the link below you can sign up for a time that works for you to get involved registering your community. We are currently almost halfway there and we want to keep the momentum going for the next three week!

Don’t have any experience registering people to vote? Don’t worry! Short trainings will be provided at the beginning of each shift, so no previous experience is required! You will also receive a text reminding you about the shift you signed up for!

Click Here to Join the Team

For text updates text “50aday” to 864237

Questions? Contact Erica Clemmons at erica@9to5.org or (404) 263-9173

Together we can make sure the voices of working women and families are represented in this year’s election!

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