Building together for hope and progress

Dear 9to5 Members and Supporters,

Tuesday’s election results were not what most of us had anticipated.

There were bright spots. 9to5 registered voters, canvassed door-to-door (as in the photo here) and phonebanked, bringing new voices into the electoral system and raising Colorado’s minimum wage. Minimum wage and paid sick days, issues 9to5 has long championed, won everywhere they were on the ballot. Our agenda is still needed and as relevant as ever.

But the big headline was a President-elect who used sexism, racism and xenophobia to capitalize on peoples’ real economic hardship and stir up fear and hate to divide and polarize the country.

As President Obama said that night, “No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning.” 9to5’s long history means we’ve seen many political shifts over time. Our work didn’t start, and didn’t end, with this election.

At 9to5, we remain committed to bringing our communities together and organizing for the real changes we need to achieve justice and equality for everyone. We’ll continue to lift women’s voices and engage women to take action.

Wednesday, 9to5 joined with 100 women of color-led organizations to remind the nation that this election and the future are about all of us: women, people of color, individuals who identify as LGBTQ, immigrants, and indigenous communities. Please read and share the powerful statement here.

9to5 is a place of progress and hope, where people can get involved together for a better world. You’ll hear more from us over the next few weeks as we identify how you can join us on our next steps.

In solidarity,
Linda Meric
9to5 National Executive Director

P.S. Now, more than ever, 9to5 needs your continued support. Please consider making a small extra gift today. Thank you.


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