
Today, 9to5 is joining with coalition partners to raise awareness and tell lawmakers that not just any paid leave policy will do. 

We know that lawmakers and candidates understand that issues like paid family and medical leave are important to voters. December 12 – the anniversary of the first time the federal Family And Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY) was introduced – is an opportunity to join together to remind incoming lawmakers that a meaningful and effective federal paid leave proposal must be:

  • available to all workers,
  • comprehensive and specific in addressing serious family and medical needs,
  • affordable and cost-effective,
  • inclusive and available without adverse employment consequences.
  • available for an adequate period of time (no less than 12 weeks per year)

To learn more about this checklist of family and medical leave insurance principles, take a look at this guide.

Read more from 9to5 activists Kim and Shelby to illustrate why these principles are so important:

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