Women’s groups kick off weekly meetings at Colorado Capitol

By Luke Perkins, Herald Staff Writer

DENVER – Colorado legislators and representatives of several interest groups want to capitalize on the momentum from women’s marches across the nation as they launch Women and Families’ Wednesdays at the state Capitol.

The group will gather every Wednesday on Capitol Hill during the legislative session to allow participants to campaign for issues that directly affect women and families.

“For us, this is really about providing more frequent and regular access and saying that ‘this Capitol is your Capitol, the legislators who work here are your legislators,’” said Cristina Aguilar, executive director of Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights. The event will encompass issues that the organization considers under threat by the Trump administration.

“Important movements like reproductive justice, environmental justice and workers justice are all interconnected, and unfortunately, that are all under threat from our new administration,” said Sen. Irene Aguilar, D-Denver.

Read the full article here

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