9to5 Members March for Women and Social Justice!

On the historic date of January 21st, 2017 people organized in cities and towns around the globe to demonstrate in solidarity with women-centered-justice. 9to5 Action Network members showed up with friends and family in 8 states across the country to tell our nation that women’s equality is economic equality!



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9to5 members marching at the nation’s capitol in Washington DC!

“I’m truly encouraged to see how many women have made connections, are setting up groups to talk to others who live in their area, and are posting about and participating in a whole range of activities.  The president has created a whole new group of activists who will carry on this fight and who will raise their kids to do the same.  That is our silver lining..”

– Judi King, 9to5 Alabama Action Network Member.

Judi King Chicago

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9to5 member Judi King marching with friends and family in Chicago, IL!


If you want to share your experience of the Women’s and Social Justice March email lindsey@9to5.org!

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